
[JS] 12. scope

밍글링글링 2017. 8. 28. 13:40


// [Global Scope]
// In a browser, the global scope is the window object. 
// If a variable declaration occurs outside of a function, 
// then that variable exists on the global object.

// it could be referenced as window.x, 
// but because it exists on the global object we can simply refer to it as x.
var x = 9;

//[Local Scope]
//JavaScript also creates a Local Scope inside each function body
function myFunc(){
    var y=5;
//console.log(y); //ReferenceError: y is not defined

//if you declare a variable and forget to use var keyword.
//that variable is automatically made global.

//Wrapping everything in a function which is then immediately invoked means 
//all the variables within that function are bound to the local scope. 
//At the very end you can then expose all your methods by binding 
//the jQuery object to the window, the global object. 
    var jQuery = {/*All my methods go here */};
    window.jQuery = jQuery;

function outer(){
    var x = 5;
    function inner(){
        var y = 10;
    inner(); //5
    //console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined

//Functions have access to variables defined in the same scope.
var foo = "hello";
var.sayHello = function(){
sayHello(); //"hello"
console.log(foo); //"hello"

//Variable with the same nama can exist in different scopes with different values:
var foo = "world";
var sayHello = function(){
    var foo = "hello";
sayHello(); //"hello"

//When, within a function, you reference a variable defined in an outer scope, 
//that function can see changes to the variable's value after the function is defined.
var myFunction = function() {
    var foo = "hello";
    var myFn = function() {
    console.log( foo );
    foo = "world";
    return myFn;
var f = myFunction();
f(); // "world"

(function() {
var baz = 1;
var bim = function() {
console.log( baz );
bar = function() {
console.log( baz );
//bim(); //bim is not defined outside of the function
//console.log( baz ); // baz is not defined outside of the function
